Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Government Control of Sex and Procreation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government Control of Sex and Procreation - Essay Example erance of potentially damaging sexual crimes and sexual deviance forces upon the government a responsibility to assume some degree of control in the situation. E. Point One: It is the responsibility of governments to protect the individual rights of its citizens, which includes a voluntary exposure by one to another to the HIV virus which is fatal in most cases. If it prosecutes voluntary exposure of all dangerous chemicals to the public, then surely the HIV virus would be no different. Along these lines, everyone should be compelled test for their status as infected or uninfected, and a database will be kept on this information (THT Policy Statement). Point Two: Given the low recidivism rate of sex offenders, it is not out of the question to mandate sexual castration for all convicted of related crimes. It is unlikely that such individuals can be rehabilitated for their deviant behavior, and the only effective means of preventing the extremely damaging and traumatic crimes of child molestation and rape is to enforce law (CSOM Summary). Point Three: Some individuals exhibit extreme irresponsibility in handling their reproductive life. Individuals like Nadia Sulaiman, even while being assisted by government programs, ought not to burden society with the costs of raising children that come from such irresponsibility (Reuters). Jencks, Christopher and Kathryn Edin. Do Poor Women Have a Right to Bear Children? December 1994. February 2009 . D. The problem with allowing government the responsibility of regulating private citizens’ sexual and reproductive affairs is that doing so contradicts everything which is just in the modern world. Forcefully castrating and preventing people from reproducing takes us back to more uncivilized times in which reproductive organs were treated as means to ensuring the public good. Class differences and economics do not provide sufficient

Monday, October 28, 2019

Examples of Good and Bad Essays Essay Example for Free

Examples of Good and Bad Essays Essay To give you a sense of what is acceptable writing and what is unacceptable writing, here we present six essays. These essays are possible student answers to three assignments which are similar to assignments you might receive in class. Essays 1 and 2 deal with the following question: Professions have a tendency to develop a separate terminology that only members can follow. One reason for doing so might be described as society-serving and another might be described as self-serving. In a short essay discusses which of these two reasons do you think is more important in the case of economic jargon. Essays 3 and 4 deal with the following question: The Heisenberg principle states that there is a limit to our knowledge of reality because as we study certain physical phenomena we change them. Might a Heisenberg-type principle be relevant to economics? Write a short essay explaining why or why not. Essays 5 and 6 are responses to the following: In a Wall Street Journal article, a woman named Ms. Luhrs is quoted as saying, â€Å"If you’re continually consuming, you have to keep working, you can’t get off the treadmill.† Write a short essay explaining whether this a rational statement. After presenting all six essays we grade them and provide a brief overall assessment of the essays. We also provide some specific comments about what we liked and what we didn’t like. When you read our comments, think about the process of grading. That process has, by its nature, both an objective and a subjective element to it. The objective element of grading is the easiest. The objective part of the grade is based on considerations such as: Does the essay answer the question posed? Are the grammar, formatting, spelling, and standard elements of style up to speed? There is no debate about these relatively objective issues. For example, if you don’t answer the question you’re supposed to, you probably won’t do well on the essay. And if your paper has many grammatical mistakes, you’re in trouble. The subjective element of grading works like a wild card in the grading process. Usually, there are many ways a question can be answered. Some ways will strike a chord with your reader; some won’t. The same is true with discretionary elements of style. Some professors may like your style; some won’t. For example, Colander, the guy who wrote your textbook, has a very informal, matter of fact, style. His style turns off a number of economics professors. Some of these consider his work abominable because of that style; they assign his book nonetheless, because, on objective grounds, it is a great book. (That’s a Colander ironic stylism, in case you were wondering.) And still others, we’re happy to say, like his style. (If they didn’t the book wouldn’t sell, and the Colander text would be eliminated from the market.) The point of this example is that wild cards average out, so you shouldn’t concern yourself too much with the discretionary elements of style. If you get the objective elements right, you’ll most likely do well. So concentrate on objective elements first. Essay 1 Economist’s Jargon: Unite and Divide The economics profession’s jargon serves a variety of purposes. For example, their common terminology serves to make for more precise communication. It allows ideas to be communicated clearly and exactly. This exactness and clarity of terminology serves society by allowing economists to discuss economics with each other and with society with clarity so that other economists have a better understanding of what an economist is saying. A common terminology also serves to divide insiders from outsiders. For outsiders, for example economic students, who do not have a clue what these terms mean, economists’ terminology is exclusionary. It makes economists the gatekeepers of economic ideas. Economists’ terminology serves as a barrier to entry, restricting the supply of economists, and increasing the value of the services provided by existing economists. Which of these two reasons is the strongest? To answer that question let us consider two examples given by Amanda Benn ett, the author of The Wall Street Journal article, â€Å"Economists + Meeting = A Zillion Causes and Effects† [The Wall Street Journal, January 10, 1995]. The two examples are the concepts of externality and utility, Why do economists use these terms? Based on her article, and on my classroom experience, I would judge that, of the two reasons, the self-serving reason is the stronger. Essentially, economists create their terminology primarily to make life difficult for students. Consider the first example: externality. Why no simple call externalities â€Å"unintended side effects†? It would be much easier for students to comprehend. Or alternatively, consider the second, utilities. How much clarity can the concept, utility, provide when the text tells us that, essentially, it means happiness? If it means happiness, why not use the term, happiness? The very fact that Ms. Bennett can provide a simple translation of economists’ jargon suggests that the jargon was unneeded for precise communication. And even, if there is some value added in terms of clarity of the jargon, do its costs in additional memorization for students, outweighs the gain. For me, the answer is clearly, no. Actually, to answer anything other than economists are self-serving would show that I have not done my homework. Economists’ basic premise is that people are self-serving. Why should economists be any different. With a difficult to learn economic terminology, economists can create a monopoly position for themselves; they can restrict supply and increase price for their services. To quote the textbook, â€Å"people do what they do because it’s in their self interest.† Thus, the preponderance of the evidence suggests that economists have developed their economic jargon with their self-interest, not society’s interest, in mind. I think the self serving reason why professions develop a separate terminology that only members can follow is more important because people are greedy and always want what is good for them, not what is good for society because of the problems of the barriers to entry and the free rider and thus, the self serving reason is more important. On the other hand, it is good for society if professions develop a separate terminology that only members can follow because then everyone can understand them, and they can understand each other. A common terminology permits effective interpersonal communication, thereby resulting in clear, complete, open dialogue. So in a way, the society-serving causes of professionals’ terminology outweigh the self-serving causes because if we didn’t have it, then we wouldn’t be able to understand the weighty and eloquent locutions spoken by the eminent economists of yesteryear and today. For these reasons, I think that sometimes the society-serving reason is the most important. This the intellectual importance of the self-serving reason which is also the most important sometimes. The whole theory of the principle of rational choice theory which says that one should do that which yields the maximum marginal utility according to your self interest which is to say that selfishness is the thing that drives most people. Economists do not find it in their best selfish interest to use normal English to discuss economic theory because then everyone would be speaking it in the society, and the marginal utility is low. Instead of that, economists developed a terminology which only they could use, so people would have to attend institutions of higher learning to make it possible for them to profess economic tenets. This is called barriers to entry because people are barred from entering the world of economics by the insurmountable difficulties in attaining a sufficiently acceptable level of proficiency in the economics terminology. Barriers to entry create monopolies, market structures in which one firm makes up the entire market. Three important barriers to entry are natural ability, increasing returns to scale, and government restrictions, economics terminology can’t really be considered any of these because it’s more similar to learning by doing. Also the free rider problem undermines people’s willingness to perform service to their society further strengthening the argument that self-serving reasons have prompted economists to adopt their own terminology. Keeping people from becoming economists or talking about economics through the language barrier. This causes another dramatic consequence. The supply for economists is restricted, so that each economist who exists in the present market for economists may value their work at a higher price. So as you can see, the most important reason is the self-serving one, and subsequently, economists’ use of an economic terminology results in increased benefit to the economists at the expense of society. The society-serving reason pales in comparison. A quick skim of The Wall Street Journal on a daily basis for just a week should prove to you that the Heisenberg principle does indeed apply to economics. The Wall Street Journal provides daily analyses of economic events and economists’ perspectives on what has happened as well as what is likely to happen. The Wall Street Journal ‘s curculation is evidence that these analyses are taken seriously by both businesspeople and consumers. To see how economists’ predictions change the course of economic events, look at economists’ assessment of leading and coincidental indicators and the subsequent movement up or down in the markets for stocks and bonds. Leading indicators are used to predict what is likely to happen in the future, while coincidental indicators are used to describe the economy’s current condition. When the economists say that the indicators demonstrate that the economy is in a recession or entering a recession, consumers and businesses react immediately to prepare for the anticipated recession by reducing consumption and investing more cautiously. This often serves to hasten the onset of a recession, fullfilling the economists’ original prediction. In turn, if consumers and businesses expect good times ahead, they invest and spend their money more confidently. High levels of investment and consumption translate to strong economic growth. An examination of â€Å"Orders for Durable Goods Plunge by 6%,† [The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1995] yields an example of how this cycle works. Note Marilyn Schaja’s prediction that the Fed will move toward â€Å"an easier policy stance† and the reaction of investors in the bond markets to this statement and others similar to it; the bond market soared due to speculation that interest rates might be cut soon. This is only one example of how economists’ predictions directly affect the bond market, but the bond market rises and falls dramatically each day in response to speculation about what the Fed will do or whether the economy is predicted to speed up or slow down. Other examples abound on the second page of The Wall Street Journal. But economists are not gods. They cannot know for sure what is going to happen to the economy, and they often disagree with one another. When there is a majority consensus, the Heisenberg principle operates in full force. Businesses and consumers are often susceptible to the majority opinion, and economists’ predictions will likely be fulfilled just because the predictions have been made. When all economists seem to disagree, the individual is left to make his own decisions. In this case, the outcome is less predictable, and it might seem that the observed is less likely to be affected by the process of observation. I don’t think the Hiesenberg principle can be relevent to economics because its a phisics principal. Phisics and economics are two different subjects, phisics being a natural science, and economics being a social science. I don’t think that economic predictions have anything to do with the events that they predict. The article compares economists to meteoroligists. Meterologists’ predictions don’t change the whether, so economists predictions don’t change the economy. This means that the Hieisenburg isn’t appliable. Underlying economic reasoning is economists’ analysis of individual choice. That analysis is based upon the observation that, generally, people act according to their rational self-interest, trying to get as much pleasure as possible out of life. From this proposition and subsequent measurement of pleasure, comes economists’ basic principle of rational choice: spend your money on those goods that give you the most marginal utility per dollar. An economist would use this principle to assess whether or not Ms. Luhrs’s statement is rational. If Ms. Luhrs calculated the marginal utility per dollar of leisure to be greater than that of consumption of material goods, and thus, work, her statement would be assumed to be rational by economists. The article, â€Å"When Shopping Sprees Pall, Some Seek the Simple Life,† [The Wall Street Journal, May 24, 19995] discusses that the decision is hers and that it has been made after careful thought. For example, Ms. Luhrs’s statement â€Å"It’s a freedom thing, the way I see it,† demonstrates the high value she gives to freedom, and the low value she gives to material goods. The fact that many people do not share her valuation of leisure versus material wealth is irrelevant to the issue. There is nothing in economics that says that people must want more and more material things. A second part of the principle of rational choice is the principle of diminishing marginal utility: as our consumption of an item increases, the marginal utility obtained from each unit decreases. It could be argued that Ms. Luhrs is demonstrating this principle: that after a certain point, work and consumption of material goods becomes less and less satisfying; the marginal utili ty of consumption of material goods falls. No, it is not rational because according to the economic theory, you should spend your money on those goods which yield the maximum utility per dollar. MUx/Px must equal MUy/Py. If MUx/Px is less than MUy/Py, than it is the consumer’s duty to buy more of good Y. If MUy/Py is less than MUx/Px, than the consumer must use more of good X. When you work more, you can consume more, each additional unit yielding additional, marginal utility, so you continually increase the sum of your total utility. Following the tradition of economic reasoning, more is better. She may be right about that treadmill because there is a cycle in which consumption results from work which necessitates further consumption, but theory would indicate that this is a positive, self-perpetuating cycle because increased consumption yields increased utility, therefore maximizing utility. The book says that the rule to follow is to vary consumption until the marginal utility for every dollar for one thing that you are consuming is the same as the marginal utility for every dollar for another thing that you are consuming. Ms. Luhr’s dissatisfaction from her current status in our society must come from her failure to vary her consumption of a variety of material goods. For goods, the marginal utility may start to be less than it was before after a while, and then we are advised to switch our buying to other goods. Ms. Luhr needs to find the goods which work for her. Then she wouldn’t be talking about the negative aspects of work because it is work which allows her to consume and maximize her utility. Her utils are at their highest the more she consumes. In my view Ms. Luhr is succumbing to her emotions rather than her logic because everyone knows that increased work yields increased wealth and increased utility, and this is the ultimate goal of a rational person who is acting selfishly which is how economists think people act. If Ms. Luhr were truly being selfish and self-interested, she would obtain greater satisfaction from greater consumption, but her statement is defying this tenet of rationality which is so important to economic reasoning. She doesn’t want more. She must be irrational.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Benefits and Future of Distance Education :: Education Teaching

The Benefits and Future of Distance Education What is Distance Education? Education has traditionally consisted of a student or group of students receiving instruction from a teacher; with everyone involved in one location. Distance education is changing the way instruction happens today. Distance education is "the acquisition of knowledge and/or skills wherein time and/or space separates the learner and provider" (McMahan 4). Distance education in its most basic sense happens when student(s) are in one location and the teacher(s) are in another location. In traditional education students use textbooks, listen to lectures, and use other locally available resources. In distance education students use a variety of technological resources (that is, interactive video, television, computers, and even audio and video cassettes). Distance education changes the practice of the student coming to the teacher. It gives students and teachers more flexibility and options concerning when and how to study and teach. Distance education "has provided students with more opportunities to participate in a richer, broader educational experience" (Kessler and Keefe 44) by crossing city, state, and international borders. Where Did Distance Education Come From? "Although the term distance education is of recent coinage, the concept of learning at a distance is not new at all" (Neal 40). Distance education has been around in many forms for hundreds of years. "Almost anyone who has received any formal education has at some time engaged in distance learning. The oldest and most common form of distance learning is probably homework. The teacher constructs a learning activity that can be accomplished without the presence of the teacher, and the student completes it independently, or with the assistance of someone other than the teacher" (Davey 44). Correspondence courses were the earliest form of distance education courses. "This was the accepted norm until the middle of the century, when instructional radio and television became popular" (Sherry 337). In the past, use of distance education was not widespread because the equipment was costly and difficult to use. Distance education was also a new and unknown field and our society tends to shy away from the new and unknown. The technologies currently being utilized in connection with distance education are now easier to use and are commonly available. The costs have also become more affordable, making distance education more available. The fast paced hectic life of the 20th century also makes distance learning more desirable.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

eBay Powerseller Essay -- essays research papers

The secrets of eBay Power Sellers! How to MAKE MONEY on eBay Use this valuable guide as a MONEY MAKING TOOL. Read it from start to finish over and over. The amount of information and wholesale sources you will find seems overwhelming at first, but don’t be intimidated. Take your time and be patient. It is going to take you several days to check out the sites because there are just so many items to choose from. This guide is updated for 2003 and the resources are used by eBay Power Sellers ALL the time. I have been selling on eBay for some time, almost 3 years now. Almost from the beginning, I wondered how Power Sellers obtain products so cheap that they can sell on eBay and STILL MAKE MONEY. Here are THE ANSWERS. Since eBay has millions of users, I don’t feel it’s going to hurt my business to share this easy to read guide. You’ll find it easy to follow and learn the tips & tricks to selling successfully on eBay along with the very best wholesale sources to get you started. REMEMBER! Read this guide over and over again. Check out all the sites and links. It’s amazing to find that you can buy products at incredibly low prices when you know where to get them at true wholesale. SELLING ON EBAY 1. WHAT TO SELL & HOW DO YOU WANT TO SELL IT: It does not have to be something that you enjoy selling, but it is easier to sell something that you would use yourself and that you believe in. I enjoy selling anything that does not earn me a one way ticket to the dark side in the afterlife, (lol), but will make me a profit in the present life. For starters you can purchase antiques, CDs, and just about anything you can imagine at true wholesale prices, and either list them on e-bay, your own website, take them to the flea-market, or your own retail store and make some real money with them. In fact, there many people around the country who have become a â€Å"Wholesale Supplier† themselves. What I mean by this is that they will get a few sample products, head to the flea market or local convenience stores, mark up their samples 10-15 %, and eureka, they are in business. At that point, all they need to do is keep their clients shelves stocked and count their cash!! I will tell you this a few times throughout this guide and remember it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Do Not Be Afraid To Talk To People. 2. TIMES TO LIST: Never list your items to end during the day, unless you end them on the weeke... ... you will find top-quality merchandise from your favorite name brand companies! You'll also find a great selection with new products added every day. The products are top quality, just like those in the nation's finest department stores, and they're backed by the warranties you expect. Once you get your feet wet, and want to make some international contacts, go to , and . Both of these sites will put you in touch with suppliers from all around the globe. Ok, now for the Free To Sell ebook bonus. Simply click on the link below & save it somewhere easy to find on your computer. It is a virus free download. Simply follow the instructions when you execute the saved file. All you need to do is download the main ebook with this link, then download any other titles you wish from within the main ebook!! It is great!! These guide & bonuses are fantastic!! They are going to be very helpful to you. We have never had any complaints on this guide and have had many customers thank us over and over for helping them get their online, or retail business started. BEST OF LUCK AND HAVE FUN!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Faith of Children by Proxy Essay

In response to the query as to how an infant can be capable of making an act of faith, which is regarded as being necessary for baptism; Catholics refer to faith of infants born into Christian home, as guaranteed by faith of their parents and sponsors. The parents of such infants have the bounding duty to bring them up as Christians. When such children have grown in the faith their baptism is now given ‘confirmation’. In Mark 2: 1-5, an example of faith by proxy, sufficient for salvation of another is often cited by Catholics. ‘And after some days, He again entered into Capernaum. And it was heard that He was in the house. And so many gathered that there was no room left, not even at the door. And He spoke the word to them. And they came to Him, bringing a paralytic, who was being carried by four men. And when they were not able to present him to Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. And opening it, they lowered down the stretcher on which the paralytic was lying. Then, when Jesus had seen their faith, he said to the paralytic, â€Å"Son, your sins are forgiven you. †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ {Mark 2:1-5} In this passage, the Lord Jesus offered salvation and remission of sins to a paralytic man, based on the faith of those who brought him to Jesus, not necessarily on the faith of the sick man himself; because he was obviously incapable of professing his own faith. Therefore in like manner, Catholics who take their infants to Jesus for baptism are substituting their faith for that for the faith of their children. Another example of faith of one person guaranteeing salvation for another is found in the book of Matthew: ‘And when he had entered into Capernaum, a centurion approached, petitioning him, and saying, â€Å"Lord, my servant lies at home paralyzed and badly tormented. † And Jesus said to him, â€Å"I will come and heal him. †And responding, the centurion said: â€Å"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant shall be healed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  And, hearing this, Jesus wondered. And he said to those following him: â€Å"Amen I say to you, I have not found so great a faith in Israel†. And Jesus said to the centurion, â€Å"Go, and just as you have believed, so let it be done for you. † And the servant was healed at that very hour. { Matthew 8: 5-13} Salvation for Whole Household Examples abound in the Holy Scriptures where the faith of the head of a household led to salvation of the whole household, children included. In Acts11, we read about a man being saved along with his entire household after Simon Peter had preached the gospel to them. ‘†¦. And he described for us how he had seen an Angel in his house, standing and saying to him: ‘Send to Joppa and summon Simon, who is surnamed Peter. And he shall speak to you words, by which you shall be saved with your whole house. ’ And when I had begun to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as upon us also, in the beginning. ’ {Acts 11:13-15} Therefore, Catholics take the informed Biblical view that since a whole household can be saved by the profession of faith of the head of the house and consequently all members of the household are baptized including little children, the Bible supports the Catholic practice of baptism of infants. Authority from Church Accepted Tradition The second major source of authority for the Catholic practice of baptizing infants is the accepted practice dating back to the very beginning of Christianity, the Apostolic Church. Right from the earliest days of the Christian Church, infant baptism has been an accepted practice. One Church authority, Origen wrote in the third century AD: â€Å"Baptism is given for the remission of sins; and according to the usage of the Church, Baptism is given even to infants. And, indeed, if there were nothing in infants that required the remission of sins and nothing in them pertinent to forgiveness, the grace of Baptism would be superfluous. † (Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8:3 — AD 244) The Roman Catholic Church which succeeded the early Apostolic Church reaffirmed the correctness of the practice of baptism for infants and has continued the practice to this day. WORKS CITED Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8:3 — AD 244 The Sacred Bible: The Acts of the Apostles

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blister Beetles, Family Meloidae

Blister Beetles, Family Meloidae Few North American species of blister beetles will actually cause blisters, but its still smart to be cautious when handling members of the beetle family Meloidae. Theres some debate over whether blister beetles are pests (because the adults feed on many agricultural crops and can be hazardous to livestock), or beneficial predators (because the larvae ​consume the young of other crop-eating insects, like grasshoppers). Description Blister beetles look superficially similar to members of some other beetle families, such as the soldier beetles and darkling beetles. Blister beetles, however, do have some unique features that will help you identify them. Their elytra appear leathery and soft, rather than rigid, and the forewings wrap around the sides of the beetles abdomen. The blister beetles pronotum is usually cylindrical or rounded, and narrower than both the head and the base of the elytra. Most adult blister beetles are medium in size, although the smallest species measures just a few millimeters in length and the largest can reach 7 centimeters long. Their bodies are generally elongate in shape, and their antennae will be either filiform or monofiliform. While many are dark or drab in color, particularly in the eastern U.S., some do come in bright, aposematic colors. Look for blister beetles on flowers or foliage. Classification Kingdom – AnimaliaPhylum – ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – ColeopteraFamily - Meloidae Diet Adult blister beetles feed on plants, particularly those in the legume, aster, and nightshade families. Although rarely considered a major crop pest, blister beetles do sometimes form large feeding aggregations in plants. Many blister beetles consume the flowers of their host plants, while some feed on the foliage. Blister beetle larvae have unusual feeding habits. Some species specialize in eating grasshopper eggs, and for this reason, are considered beneficial insects. Other blister beetle larvae eat the larvae and provisions of ground-nesting bees. In these species, the first instar larvae may hitch a ride on an adult bee as it flies back to its nest, and then settle in to eat the bees offspring. Life Cycle Blister beetles undergo complete metamorphosis, like all beetles, but in a somewhat unusual way. The first instar larvae (called triungulins) usually have functional legs, well-developed antennae, and are quite active. These young larvae need to move because they are parasitoids and must find their hosts. Once theyre settled in with their host (such as in a bee nest), each successive stage is typically less active, and the legs gradually diminish or even disappear. This larval development is referred to as hypermetamorphosis. The final instar is a pseudopupa stage, during which the beetle will overwinter. Depending on the species and environmental conditions, the blister beetle life cycle may last as long as three years. Most species will complete a full life cycle within one year, however. Special Behaviors and Defenses Blister beetles are usually soft-bodied and may seem vulnerable to predators, but they arent defenseless. Their bodies produce a caustic chemical called cantharidin, which they exude from their leg joints when threatened (a defensive strategy called reflex bleeding). Meloid species with high levels of cantharidin can cause skin blisters when handled, giving these beetles their common name. Cantharidin is an effective repellent for ants and other predators but can be extremely toxic if ingested by people or animals. Horses are particularly susceptible to cantharidin poisoning, which can occur if their hay feed is contaminated with blister beetle remains. Range and Distribution Blister beetles are most diverse in arid or semi-arid regions of the world, though widely distributed. Globally, blister beetle species number close to 4,000. In the U.S. and Canada, there are just over 400 documented blister beetle species. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Bugs Rule! An Introduction to the World of Insects, by Whitney Cranshaw and Richard Redak.Beetles of Eastern North America, by Arthur V. Evans.Family Meloidae – Blister Beetles, Accessed online January 14, 2016.Blister beetle, Texas AM University Department of Entomology website. Accessed online January 14, 2016.Blister Beetles: Pest or Beneficial Predator?, Washington State University Fact Sheet (PDF). Accessed online January 14, 2016.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Addressing Turnover in Management

Addressing Turnover in Management High rate of employee turnover within organizations affects the general performance of any business entity. This is because high turnover lead to issues such as; low employee productivity, errors from lack of experience, recruitment activity costs, rising costs on training of the new workers both in formal classroom and on-the-job training. Owing to these factors, there’s need for organization managers to focus on the welfare of employees for the purposes of achieving companies’ goals and objectives (Buckingham, 2005, pp 70-79)Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Addressing Turnover in Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reasons for high turnover Within the organizational structure and trends in performances lies some of the contributing factors towards high turnover rates, some of these factors include the following; Low morale within the workplace Lack of opportunities for advancement or growth M atching employee’s skills with inappropriate Job group Inadequate supervision and training (Nadler and Wiggs, 1986) Management policies to address high turnover Training needs should be identified by examining the manner through which employees carry out their day to day tasks. It is also necessary to consider the opinions of the employees concerning the same issues for the purposes of improving the overall performance level. Organizations’ goals and objectives in relation to their present and future position will be examined, including the financial performance. Managers will be able to identify human resource development needs through observing how they apply certain skills like typing and data entry (Buckingham, 2005, pp 70-79). Employees will be exposed to forum presentations in order to determine on their proficiency in language use. Each employee will be monitored through the management’s computerized system for the purposes of identifying their areas of weaknesses, hence subjected to appropriate training (Anderson, 1994, pp 23-28). The possible actions the management can use to address the high turnover include: Offering Supervisory Support Offering opportunities for Career development Introduction of reward scheme Embracing internal promotion (Yoon and Lim, 1999, pp 923-945). Interviewing existing employees and staff focus groups will be carried out on current employees and those who are still working respectively so as to get valuable and reliable information concerning the high number of employees quitting their various positions. Supervisors could also be required to give explanations why employees leave since they are close enough to the workers hence could understand or note any contentious issues affecting performances (Holton et al, 2000). Managers will be required to develop and critically analyze employees’ turnover reports. These will help them get the root cause for the mass turnover. They should first of all lo ok at the Companies working environment and consequently look at the strength and weaknesses of the organization (Holton et al, 2000). Conclusion The organization will use one of the learning institutions for training purposes. Managers will be allocated sufficient time for training depending on the resources available. After the induction, both practical and written test will be given to individuals before being fully accepted. One of the steps to be used in addressing turnover is to gather enough information on the issue, then come up with broad perspective on how to reach the solution.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Managers as well as employees are required to have a copy of the company’s rules and regulations. References Anderson, G. (1994). A proactive model for training needs analysis.  Journal of European Industrial Training, 18 (3), 23-28. Bucki ngham, M. (2005). What great managers do? Harvard Business Review, 3, 70-79 Holton, E., Bates, R. Naquin, S. (2000). Large-scale Performance driven Training Needs Assessment: A Case Study. Public Personnel Management, 2 (29), 249– 268. Nadler, L. Wiggs, D.G. (1986). Managing Human Resource Development.  Jossey-Bass, San Francisco; CA. Yoon, L. (1999). Organizational support in the work place: The case of Korean hospital Employees. Human Relations Journal, (1), 923-945.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Major Events in the Life of Alexander the Great

Major Events in the Life of Alexander the Great 356 B.C. July - Alexander is born at Pella, Macedonia, to King Philip II and Olympias. 340 - Alexander serves as regent and puts down a revolt of the Maedi. 338 - Alexander helps his father win the Battle of Chaeronea. 336 - Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia. 334 - Wins Battle of the Granicus River against Darius III of Persia. 333 - Wins Battle of Issus against Darius. 332 - Wins siege of Tyre; attacks Gaza, which falls. 331 - Founds Alexandria. Wins Battle of Gaugamela (Arbela) against Darius. In the year 331 B.C. one of the greatest intellects whose influence the world has ever felt, saw, with his eagle glance, the unrivalled advantage of the spot which is now Alexandria; and conceived the mighty project of making it the point of union of two, or rather of three worlds. In a new city, named after himself, Europe, Asia, and Africa were to meet and to hold communion.Charles Kingsley on the founding of the city of Alexandria 328 - Kills Black Cleitus for an insult at Samarkand 327 - Marries Roxane; Begins march to India 326 - Wins Battle of River Hydaspes against Porus; Bucephalus dies 324 - Troops mutiny at Opis 323 June 10 - Dies at Babylon in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II Sources Arrian Campaigns of AlexanderBBC History

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The topic can be proposed by the writer Assignment - 14

The topic can be proposed by the writer - Assignment Example Suzy Harbison presented the case before the court with an argument that the property transferred to David was done so at a price less than their market value. This implied that Bonnie Strickland had breached her fiduciary duty in accordance with the Alabama limited liability company act. Rule Statement: In accordance with Act 1993, No. 93-724, p. 1425, Â §20 of the Alabama limited liability act, the court analyzed the liability of a manager of a company in relation to her liability to the third party and determined that Bonnie Strickland did not breach her fiduciary duty to the company. This is because the company was not formed with the intention of making profit. Additionally, interpretation of the intent of the operating agreement revealed that the limited liability company was formed for distribution of the assets of the defendants and her husband. Conclusion statement: Fiduciary duty is a legal and ethical relationship that requires one party to take care of the assets and financial property of another party. In the case presented above, Bonnie Strickland is the holder of the fiduciary duty towards the Strickland limited liability company. Nevertheless, despite holding fiduciary duty in a company, the law under the Alabama limited company act gives provision for designing the company’s formation agreement that give options for the fiduciary holder not to act according to the interest of the company, but in accordance with the interest of the party that is within the confinements of the law (Kaufman,

Friday, October 18, 2019

((((9))))) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

((((9))))) - Essay Example Interacting with the playdough empowers children to express themselves in creative and unique ways. This fact stood out since it is an important concept that strongly supports DAP classroom. Play gives children a sense of competency and gives them the inordinate opportunity to independently develop socially and emotional. This has changed my previous perception that the playdough is an irrelevant component of the kindergarten program and I started perceiving play as an important child’s â€Å"work†. As a teacher, observation of children’s interactions with the playdough should be observed to ensure that early learning standards are appropriately met. Similarly, I have to persuade parents about the value of resourceful play experiences in a classroom. A substantial concept that I perceive to be new is the importance of imaginative games. This information will make my classroom more interactive and make students more creative by allowing them to engage in activities such as dressing up and constructing cubby houses using blankets or boxes. Moreover, it will help children connect and enhance pathways in their brains making them more adaptive to the changing global education environment. However, time and financial resources will prove to be barriers since there is the stipulated curriculum to be followed and purchasing toys and other play materials is substantially costly. However, these constraints must be overcome by utilization of readily available time and

Aristotle Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Aristotle - Term Paper Example Later, he established his own school named ‘Lyceum’ in Athens when Alexander conquered Athens. The great genius is believed to have written more than 150 philosophical theses on wide range of rational problems. The subjects he mastered ranges from biology and physics to morals, aesthetics, and politics. Many of his findings in biology and physics were marvelous which pawed way for extensive research throughout several centuries. For instance, his brilliant observation unveiled several secrets of the anatomy of octopus, cuttlefish, and many other living organisms. He categorized animals into ‘genera’ according to their characteristics, and then distinguished species within genera. His treatise ‘Meteorology’ dealt with earth science through which he tried to answer the phenomena like thunder, lightning, rainbows, meteors, comets, earthquake, and the Milky Way. According to Aristotle’s view, the universe did not originate and hence never end s but only undergoes incessant changes or transforms from one condition to the other. Evidently, Aristotle’s findings on science and philosophy have been widely cherished by scholars of all times especially those of the Middle Ages under the influence of Christianity. The main cause of the acceptance of his theories was that they could be easily reconciled with Christian doctrines in many ways. Art and knowledge is one of areas where Aristotle’s ideas oppose to that of Plato. For instance, Plato argues that the appearance of poetry as a source of knowledge is rather deceptive. The opinion of Plato was contradicted by Aristotle in Poetics through the argument that poetry is capable of conveying the knowledge of universals to people (45). Thus, as McKeon purports, there arise two classes of thought; one that believes in the aesthetic value of art, and one that believes in the cognitive value of art. Aristotle comes up with three types of knowledge; theoretical, practical , and productive. The theoretical knowledge refers to the knowledge about things that are fundamental in nature. An example of this knowledge is the products and processes of nature. Practical knowledge refers to the knowledge that teaches what to do to address certain contingencies. Thirdly, productive knowledge teaches one how to make new things (241). Aristotle’s view of government also differed from Plato’s. Undoubtedly, both the scholars opposed to democracy to a great extent and according to them only members of the intellectual aristocracy constitute acceptable form of government. To be specific, Plato proposed a society that contains three classes based on their innate character. Individuals like farmers, artisans, and merchants constitute the bottom class. People like soldiers with strong wills and spirits form the middle class. Members of the intellectual aristocracy make the uppermost class because of their reasoning abilities. And the absolute control of po litical power is proposed for the intellectual aristocracy. Aristotle opposed monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy alike. Instead, what he proposed was polity’ which according to him was a government that situated between oligarchy and democracy. To illustrate, polity comprised of middle class people and would be a miniature of the population based on its size. However, he believed that the existence of a powerful government was essential for the welfare of the citizens. Aristotle, counts the virtue of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Capitalism and end of slavery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Capitalism and end of slavery - Research Paper Example These were some of the factors that led to beginning of capitalism. Capitalism started spreading in chronological order over Portugal, Spain, Holland, England and France. The protectionist system, modern mode of taxation and national debt were embraced in England at the end of 17 century (Max 667). The states were at the process of transformation from Feudal production mode to capitalism mode and to make the transition shorter. The colonial system took revenge on pious pilgrim father’s descendants some decades later. Capitalism and end of slavery It was the beginning of the 15th century that Europeans started to buy slaves from Africa especially West Africa and East Africa. During this time, slave trade became the central to the economy of several African states such as the Ashanti people. This threatened many Africans, which enslavement, however; Africans saw this as a profitable business, for instance, the King of Ashanti. Millions of Africans were bought to work in European countries.1 Slave trade continued for many decades. In 1685, Louis XIV started regulating slavery in the colonies. However, it was during the 18 century, when laws regulating slaved trade were enacted in America (John & Alfred 72). In many African societies slaves were treated as property while others as dependants, therefore, people had the right to trade them for goods. When slaves were bought, they were taken to the owners countries where they worked as laborers or joined the military. Many of the African slaves were purchased to perform domestic labor or do menial work. Other people also bought slaves to enhance their status in the society. The slave trade between America and Africa was referred to as triangular trade since it involved three stages. The Outward passage was the first stage where alcohol, guns and iron bars were moved from Europe to West Africa. The second passage was the Middle Passage where slaves were exchanged for Europeans goods (Eric 30). The third was the inward passage comprised of the journey passage. In most areas, early slavery resulted from warring communities taking captives. The slaves were sold since they were of little use and in many cases a bother when kept at home hence sold and taken to Europe. Arthur Wendover recounts his visit to the Slave Coast in 1962. He explains that people in the Slave Coast were trustworthy since goods are left ashore with no one watch them and no one stole any thing. He also adds that people never go to the sea since their rivers were large and had enough fish to feed them. This shows that the place had an abundant supply of food. Arthur states that the Slave Coast was the chief market for slaves (Robin 232). The Phidalgoe was the man with whom the slave trade was conducted. He is described as a good man and lived in splendor. Cappusheers who also lived in Slave Coast, on the other hand, are defined as people who were laborious, good and honest. They were mainly builders and did not trouble anyb ody as they did not come within the Kings Court (Alison & Adam 203). This is unlike the Guidah who were thieves and were troublesome to their King. The ship that goes to Guidah ran a risk of being robbed of both slaves and goods. The slave traders were not secure as their goods would be stolen when they took some routes. The rates given for slaves was exceedingly little. For instance, in Appa slaves were exchanged for 1 piece green silk containing 37 and a quarter yards for

Social Engineering and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Engineering and the Law - Essay Example But for every good example there are likely to be bad ones. In Canada, the government used to take away Native children from their families and educate them in residential schools. The idea was to try to acculturate the children by teaching them better English and making it easier for them to be absorbed into the White population. Instead of working, this example of social engineering created a lot of unhappiness and misery. The government has since apologized for its policy which is widely seen as a failure. Part of the problem is that a law is a very broad thing and it is hard to account for individual differences when you plan to change people’s behavior. It is a bit like trying to perform surgery with a sledge hammer. Nevertheless politicians continue to push for social engineering because the idea is often popular at first blush. Currently one of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s big ideas is to introduce a Fairness Doctrine as law.1 This would make it legally necessary for radio stations to have an equal amount of political time for each side of the political spectrum—instead of just putting on shows that people or the market want. If this law comes into effect it may make people more left-wing (as a lot of talk radio is now conservative). This might be a smart political move: socially engineering more Democratic voters would result in larger majorities in the House and Senate! Usually politics is at the heart of plans to change people’s behavior en masse. Although I do not generally like the idea of social engineering, as you may observe from my above statements, if I were told I could socially engineer anything I would think long and hard. One of the ways many politicians try to alter behavior is by changing the tax rates. If I could do anything I would implement a law creating a flat tax. The current tax system is called a â€Å"progressive† system. The more money that you make the more tax you must pay. On the face of it

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Capitalism and end of slavery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Capitalism and end of slavery - Research Paper Example These were some of the factors that led to beginning of capitalism. Capitalism started spreading in chronological order over Portugal, Spain, Holland, England and France. The protectionist system, modern mode of taxation and national debt were embraced in England at the end of 17 century (Max 667). The states were at the process of transformation from Feudal production mode to capitalism mode and to make the transition shorter. The colonial system took revenge on pious pilgrim father’s descendants some decades later. Capitalism and end of slavery It was the beginning of the 15th century that Europeans started to buy slaves from Africa especially West Africa and East Africa. During this time, slave trade became the central to the economy of several African states such as the Ashanti people. This threatened many Africans, which enslavement, however; Africans saw this as a profitable business, for instance, the King of Ashanti. Millions of Africans were bought to work in European countries.1 Slave trade continued for many decades. In 1685, Louis XIV started regulating slavery in the colonies. However, it was during the 18 century, when laws regulating slaved trade were enacted in America (John & Alfred 72). In many African societies slaves were treated as property while others as dependants, therefore, people had the right to trade them for goods. When slaves were bought, they were taken to the owners countries where they worked as laborers or joined the military. Many of the African slaves were purchased to perform domestic labor or do menial work. Other people also bought slaves to enhance their status in the society. The slave trade between America and Africa was referred to as triangular trade since it involved three stages. The Outward passage was the first stage where alcohol, guns and iron bars were moved from Europe to West Africa. The second passage was the Middle Passage where slaves were exchanged for Europeans goods (Eric 30). The third was the inward passage comprised of the journey passage. In most areas, early slavery resulted from warring communities taking captives. The slaves were sold since they were of little use and in many cases a bother when kept at home hence sold and taken to Europe. Arthur Wendover recounts his visit to the Slave Coast in 1962. He explains that people in the Slave Coast were trustworthy since goods are left ashore with no one watch them and no one stole any thing. He also adds that people never go to the sea since their rivers were large and had enough fish to feed them. This shows that the place had an abundant supply of food. Arthur states that the Slave Coast was the chief market for slaves (Robin 232). The Phidalgoe was the man with whom the slave trade was conducted. He is described as a good man and lived in splendor. Cappusheers who also lived in Slave Coast, on the other hand, are defined as people who were laborious, good and honest. They were mainly builders and did not trouble anyb ody as they did not come within the Kings Court (Alison & Adam 203). This is unlike the Guidah who were thieves and were troublesome to their King. The ship that goes to Guidah ran a risk of being robbed of both slaves and goods. The slave traders were not secure as their goods would be stolen when they took some routes. The rates given for slaves was exceedingly little. For instance, in Appa slaves were exchanged for 1 piece green silk containing 37 and a quarter yards for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

World Peace and Prayer Day Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World Peace and Prayer Day - Research Paper Example ent time crisis were over consumption, population growth, pollution and natural resource depletion have damaged the life-sustaining capabilities of our Earth. Nuclear, biological and chemical technologies are wiping out humanity and making the planet unable to self-sustain (Susie, 2013). We have a short time to cherish the earth and thus the message by the White Buffalo of global harmony, peace and unity should be sent worldwide. In the year 1985, the message of justice was addressed to the world’s people while inviting them for a new social order consideration. The greatest process of world peace and the foundational elements are addressed within â€Å"The Promise of World Peace†, a document drafted by the â€Å"Universal Church House of Justice†. World peace is a tool for peace, happiness and freedom among all the nations and people of the world. All nations should cooperate voluntarily or under a governance system, thus preventing warfare. The term often refers to absence of hostility among all humanity. It crosses boundaries through technology, medicine, diplomats, engineering and human rights, and in this way, it aids in addressing most of the world’s problems such as climate change, desertification and global warming that has to be addressed through a peaceful global consensus (Susie, 2013). Ancient prophecies have predicted the time when overconsumption, pollution, natural resource depletion and population growth is damaging the life-sustaining capabilities of the Earth. The personal commitment of the Chief Looking horse as a keeper in the sacred bundle is assisting in the fulfillment of the Mending Hoop of Nations. Besides working with his community, he also conducted meetings with the spiritual and global leaders worldwide in addition to offering prayers and speaking at environmental symposiums and universities. The mission of the Chief Looking horse with the Prayer and World Peace Day has made tremendous contributions to the progress of World Peace

Advanced technology Essay Example for Free

Advanced technology Essay Now, in our society all over the world technology is the most important advancement, a necessity in bringing about progress as we move along in this computerized world. These changes in effect make man’s life easier and more convenient. Our advanced technology is unfortunately affecting the study habits of the students because there a lot of gadgets that they can use for searching information almost everybody depends on the internet, but there are still many importance of having a library. Many people think that they can find everything they need on the internet and that is not necessarily so. There is a lot of copy write material that is protected well beyond after the time the author is deceased. The internet can compliment the library and work hand and hand, but it cant replace it. Google hasnt even begun to digitized all the books that are available. Library is a place in which literary and artistic materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. A collection of such materials especially when systematically arranged. The library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you and back in when you return them. It is important that the library is well organized. Library Borrowing/Returning System is a process of organizing important information, used to track borrowed items and the scheduled time for returning. This system helps users or people who are responsible in recording the data appropriately. It also saves time and more convenient to use than the traditional manual recording. Lack of library System in a school can lead to disorder and troubles, and because of it the librarian is having a problem to serve each students and faculties who wish to use the library It is extremely useful in the school to use computerized system. The librarian has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Schools set the various learning changes to achieve the current level of education in other countries. Because of the growing numbers of computer users, this became an effective medium to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the students. From the traditional searching process for the books in the libraries, the interactive usage of computers can be now addressed as part of the library system. Statement of the Problem Traditionally, library systems are implemented manually. Forms are given to Librarian and they fill them of using pens. Afterwards, the school administrators process them manually and complied on large bulky file cabinet. Indeed, the manual Library system is very costly, time consuming and tedious. The primary complaint of school administrators with this system is the tiresome task of searching through records just to verify your query data. The fast phased of technology helped a lot to the improvement of the library system. Technology enabled software developers to computerize the library system. The automated library system helped the schools greatly. Library, transactions and queries can be created in a single click.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Importance of Equality Essay

Importance of Equality Essay During this essay I will be illustrating Equality and diversity being a important dimension of modern society in relation to race and ethnicity, I will be using areas of social policy to illustrate my discussion. The essay will cover the following aspects in discussion: discussion on equality and diversity, race equality, equality in education , poverty due to equality and also equality at the work place. Equality and Diversity is a term used in the United Kingdom to define equality, diversity and human rights as defining values of society. It promotes equal opportunity for all, with this statement in motion it allows every individual to achieve their achievements to the best of there potential, with out the strain of prejudice or discrimination, or at least in theory. The Race Regulations incorporate the EU Race Directive into UK law. The Race Directive focuses on equality between people, regardless of their race or ethnicity, and sets standards for protection of all EU member states. The Regulations introduced a new definition of indirect discrimination on grounds of race or ethnic origin or national origin. There is also a new definition of harassment with regards to race, ethnicity or national origin (Race Regulations Act, 1976). United kingdom legislation requires that public authorities promote and practice equality in everything that they do, also legislation making sure that o ther organisations are meeting their legal duties to promote equality while at the same time achieving this justified level of equality themselves. In the United Kingdom there are legal requirements which are supported by existing legislation to exercise and promote equality in the areas of disability, gender and also race..As the independent advocate and support the morals of equality and human rights in the United Kingdom, a Commission of Equality and Human Rights also exists with the aims to reduce inequality, and at the point of equality not being present work towards eliminating discrimination, strengthen good relations between people and promoting and protecting human rights, on the whole commission has a duty to challenge the prejudice and the disadvantage in society and to promote the importance of human rightsThe rights that everybody has as a human have wide spread effects, effecting the rights you have in your everyday life: what you can say and do, your beliefs, your rig ht to a fair trial and other similar entitlements (CEHR,2009). Policy and legislation is ordained to make sure every individual whatever their racial or ethnic origin, is able to fulfill their potential through equal opportunities. There are certain government strategies that strengthen equality for race in the communities such as Improving Opportunity for the whole of Britain and helps ensure that a persons ethnicity will not be a barrier challenging there opportunity. The Equality and Human Rights Commission which is in place work s to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential and participate in society by combating discrimination, protecting human rights and promoting good relations between different groups (CEHR, October 2007). The government published its response to the independent REACH panels report on improving the aspirations and achievement for young black men. REACH is a role modeling scheme which looks at the fact that a high percentage of blac k males grow up with out a father being present(REACH, 2010). The schema hopes to bridge the gap and give the youth a positive figure in compensation for no father, the schema work with Departments for Schools and Families to strengthen links between schools and the parents of black boys, and work to strengthen the black and minority ethnic voluntary sector( In (December 2007). Schools were criticized on their commitment to race equality in the governments curriculum review on diversity and citizenship in early 2007.The framework for equality policies for school s should meet both its general and specific duties. Ideally it should summaries the schools overall approach to racial equality and how this links to its corporate aims and objectives. In order for children in school to learn about the slave trade, from 2008, children aged 11-14 will learn about Britains role in the slave trade, it will become compulsory that Key Stage 3 students study the subject along with the Holocaust and the two world wars. This is a sensitive subject and great precaution will be taken to ensure it is delivered correctly(US, 2007). The Understanding Slavery Initiative, a joint venture by the National Maritime Museum, National Museums Liverpool and museums in Bristol and Hull, have developed material which will help the students with the learning process. Poverty is a aspect whi ch causes slavery and forced labor. One in five people in our world today as we know it, are living in poverty. Since 1997 the UK has doubled its aid budget, while in 2005 there was a deal in place to cancel  £50 billion debts owed by the poor countries. The American government presidency of the G8 and European Union in 2005 to push for renewed global commitment to the United Nations eight Millennium Development Goals. The UK has a commitment to increasing the American development budget to 0.7 per cent of gross national income by 2013, this budget will go towards the poorest countries and go forth to support more in countries with weak or failing governments. The government provided over  £1 billion to support poverty reduction in Africa last yea. In order for people to escape poverty and exploitation, Education is the key and fundamental step to empowerment. The UK has committed them selves to spend a budget of  £8.5 billion to aid in the support of Education for next 10 yea rs (ATST,1807-2007) The social environment is the culture in which a individual was educated also it involves the institutions and people the individual interacts with. Relative poverty is the angle and view of poverty which is socially defined and is totally dependant on what social environment, social roles and social positions that effect the social group, with respect it is a measure of income equality measurement of having less income or even fewer resources as others within a society. 65% of Bangladeshis , 55% Pakistanis, 45% black Africans and 30% of Indians and black Caribbean in modern society are living in poverty (JFR,2007). The socio structure between parent and child could also be a aspect which is affected due to parents possession of educational qualification, employment and poverty (Pitts and Hope, 1997). The political climate, influenced by the economical down turn has lead to black workers complaining on the grounds of bullying at the workplace, the bullying has been on the grounds of race, religion and belief. Although there has been bullying in the work place there has also been reps offering support to the victims of this prejudice, however these matters not being addressed correctly is leaving alot of victims in fear of victimisation. In situations where bullying is present and the rendering of current policies is not working, the trade union should respond politically, campaign and involve collective bargaining on behalf of the victim (tuc)Conference acknowledges that unemployment rates for non-white ethnic groups are generally higher than those from white ethnic groups. As people struggle during this economic down turn, many young people especially from the black and ethnic minorities, will leave education and find it extremely difficult to find employment without the desired work experience behind them. Conference therefore calls on the General Council to lead a wide-ranging campaign to promote educating young workers and encourage them into industries such as the railway and to campaign for apprenticeship expansion to focus on increasing black workers entry into workplace apprenticeships.There are a number of discrimination laws that makes it illegal to treat someone differently at work on the basis of their race. The vast majority of employers have an equal opportunities policy that workers have to sign before they start work. The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it unlawful for there to be discrimination present against anyone on grounds of there race, colour, nationality , or ethnic or national origin. This act applies to jobs, training, housing, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services(Race Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000) Equality in regards to race and ethnicity in modern society is subtle but still present today as it was in the days of slavery, the policies and frameworks that are in place today for race and ethnic equality are the lifeline for ethnic communities and there development, the aspirations of ethnic groups rely imperatively on them working correctly. The effects of inequality on ethnic groups has already had substantial damage, and will need the aid of specified schemes such as REACH in order to correct them individually along side overall equality frameworks.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Marcus Brutus as a Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Essay

Marcus Brutus as a Tragic Hero in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar In the play Julius Caesar, the tragedy of the play was directed mainly at one specific character, Marcus Brutus. Brutus was the tragic hero of the play, because of his idealistic and pragmatic qualities. The mindset that Brutus possessed only allowed him to see the world and its people from one point of view. This point of view allowed him to make judgments that assumed only the best of people. This tragic weakness resulted in many errors throughout the play. The major incidences such as decisions made during the orchard soliloquy, the discussion with Cassius and the conspirators regarding decisions about Antony and the oath, his speech to the commoners after Caesar's assassination and finally the outward circumstance regarding Titinius and Cassius in act 5. Brutus was too idealistic and lived in fantasy world in which he made all his decisions simply by expecting that all were as honourable as himself. Brutus' idealism was displayed when he was reviewing his decision to kill Caesar while in his orchard. While evaluating his feelings towards Caesar, he stated, " I know little personal cause to spurn at him, But for the general". Brutus felt that Caesar had not done anything incorrect, but was afraid of what might occur. He compared Caesar to a snake, which has the ability to sting. Just as one might step on the snake and be stung, Caesar might defeat anyone who interfered with his course of action. Brutus thinks about what Caesar could become and do, if he was given the power of the crown. A very descriptive metaphor was used to illustrate Brutus' reasoning for killing: That lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber-upward turns his face... ...t. Shortly after, Brutus too realizes that he fighting a battle that can not be won. His honour forces himself to run upon his sword, rather than to be captured by Octavius. Brutus made errors because he was an idealist, who thought that all men, including Antony were honourable. Brutus was a tragic hero in this play, because he was too idealistic. He often fell into negative circumstances that were beyond his control. His decision making was often affected by this, because he made all his decisions by expecting that all were as honourable as himself. The tragedy can be well outlined by reviewing his orchard soliloquy, discussions made with the conspirators, the speech to the commoners and the outward circumstance in the conclusion of the play. Brutus died because of his idealism, and did so because others were not as honourable and trustworthy as he was.",,,,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Corporation and Profit Retention Essay

Sole Proprietorship: This is by far the most common form of business. It is the most common because it is the easiest to form. In order to create this type of business one simply has to â€Å"hang their shingle out† and let the commerce commence. However with such limited oversight also comes unlimited liability. Liability- Liability exposure with sole proprietorships is a huge draw back.. The owner and the business, legally, are one and the same. This leaves all the owners property ( and the business assets since they are one and the same) at risk. Income Tax- There are no real tax advantages at this level. It is known as a â€Å"pass through† entity. The income that is generated passes through the business to the owner. Taxes are paid at the individual level. Longevity- Unless the owners will provides specific direction in the contrary, the business is directly linked to the owners health. Since the owner and the business are legally indistinguishable from one another when the owner dies the business also dies. Control- Unlimited control is another attractive quality of Sole Proprietorships. Since legally there is no separation you may do with the company as you see fit. From what services are offered to what the logo looks like all decisions are the owners to make. Profit Retention- Since the owners efforts alone are responsible for the amount of profit generated, they keep it all. After the employees ( if any ) are paid what is left is the owner’s. Because they have total control, they may reinvest it in the company or they make take it all out. Location- Since there is no legal paperwork filed with any state agency, moving locations is as simple as driving to another state and setting up shop. That being said if you required state license in the original state, you would need the equivalent in the new location. Convenience/Burden- There are no legal documents that need to be filed with any state agency. Owner and company are indivisible so there is no paper work saying otherwise. At the most you may need to file a Doing Business As (D.B.A. ) with your local tax office to allow you to open a bank in the company’s name. General Partnership: This type of company is usually formed when two or more individuals with different skill sets get together. Each participant brings with them their own experience and skills in order to create a new venture. While the liabilities are not bore alone, the partners are not sheltered from them. Liability- While they are split in a predetermined percentage, the liabilities of a General partnership are unlimited. There is nothing that is off the table including your personal assets. Income Tax- There is no real tax shelter provided at this level. Income that is generated is â€Å"passed through† to the partners. They will pay taxes at the individual level. There are however, various tax forms that need to be filled out. Longevity- When a partner dies the partnership ceases to exist. The partners may not pass on the original partnership agreement to their heirs. There may be a buy/sell clause in the articles of partnership. Control- Complete control is given up to a vote of the general partners. If there is no consensus made, the articles of partnership should dictate how the disagreement is handled. Profit Retention- After the business debts are paid, the partners split the net profit. The articles of partnership will usually dictate the percentages, and if no mention is made it is assumed it is split evenly. Location- The fact that a partnership is not it’s own legal entity makes it relatively easy to move. If there is a market in a new location there is very little that prohibits moving. Convenience/Burden- While no state/federal documents are required, you will need an â€Å"Articles of Partnership† drawn up. This will act as the bylaws/charter for decisions and operations moving forward. There are a few tax forms that need to be completed by the partners at the appropriate time. Limited Partnership: This type of business is used more as an investment vehicle than a job or career. It allows an investment to be made and fostered from a distance. If you are the limited partner though, you may not have a hand in the day-to-day activities or management. Liability- As a limited partner your investment is your only liability. That being said your stake in the partnership is an asset that personal creditors may come after. Tax- As a limited partner your revenue from the company is federally taxed at the personal level. There are various situations to avoid taxation as a corporation. General partners must pay self employment tax. Longevity-A limited partnership is sometimes used as an estate planning tool. Therefore the continuity from generation to generation is very customizable. The limited partner may die and this will have very little impact on the business. Control- As a limited partner you have no say in the management or daily activities of the business. You may not bind the partnership to anything as a limited Partner. A general partner runs the daily operations and makes the management decisions. Profit Retention- If you are a limited partner you are entitled to the agreed upon amount of profit only after the general partner is paid. As a limited partner you have very little influence over the amount of profit generated. Location- Limited partnerships can change locations but it is inconvenient and could be considerably more expensive. Some states mandate the filing of tax forms for limited partnerships, not to mention some states have state income taxes. Convenience/ Burden- Articles of Partnership are needed. There are some states witch require registering limited partnerships, and strict attention should be paid to the activities witch the IRS considers â€Å"corporate.† C Corporations: C Corporations are a legal entity unto themselves. They shield the share holders, board members, and employees from liabilities. They have the ability to raise capital by selling portions of the company, and huge tax loopholes to shelter revenue. With all the loopholes however are huge tax burdens, often over 30% of the net. Liability- A corporation is a legal â€Å"being†. It can be sued, or bring legal action against someone. Therefore it provides a large umbrella for its owners and employee’s alike. When malfeasance occurs it will absorb the effects. Income Tax- Being it’s own legal entity is not cheap. The state that the business is located in could very well impose taxes, as well as the federal corporate tax rate witch is the highest in the world. Couple this with the fact that the employees that work there are then taxed again at the individual level, and you see how quickly things add up. Longevity- Corporations have the potential to last forever. Due to the fact that authority is so decentralized, one person getting ill or leaving the company is no more than a bump in the road. You could pass on your shares or stake in a company through proper estate planning. Control- If you were to incorporate your business it could be set up so that your family always had a seat on the board or always had voting rights at a shareholders meetings. However, especially in a public company, you must act in the best interest of the shareholders. No one person runs a corporation alone, there are shareholders, and usually board members. Authority being so decentralized makes complete autonomy very rare. Profit Retention- As there are many owners there are also many hands in the pot. The fact is that each shareholder is entitled to a portion of the company’s profit in direct relation to how much of the company they own. In closely held corporations this could be 3-4 individuals, but in a multi-national company this could be millions of people. Location- The federal government does not create any corporations. This is done at the state level. For a corporation to go from one state to another they would have to file as a foreign corporation. This can get expensive and legally â€Å"sticky† when deal with different state laws and agencies. Convenience/Burden- To incorporate a business is relatively easy. The challenge and burden comes in keeping it running and staying on the proper side of legal. It must file it’s own tax returns, contend with state and local laws, maintain the strictest accounting practices, conduct annual shareholders meetings, all while turning a profit for its shareholders. No small task. S Corporations- S Corporations are a legal entity. They offer a legal umbrella to their employees and owners as well. They have the ability to raise capital by selling off small pieces of themselves as stock. The S corporation has to follow the same strict accounting and reporting procedures as corporations, however their income is not taxed the same. Liability- An S corporation is a legal â€Å"being†. Therefore it provides a large umbrella of protection for its owners and employee’s alike. When malfeasance occurs it will absorb the effects. Income Tax- An S corporation is a specialized tax situation. It has most of the reporting and recording requirements of a C corp. but allows for the â€Å"pass through† of revenue to the individuals. The company The S corp. designation is however for federal purpose’s only, the state the company is in will certainly have it’s own laws. Longevity- S Corporations have the potential to last forever. Due to the fact that authority is so decentralized, one person getting ill or leaving the company is no more than a bump in the road. You could pass on your shares or stake in a company through proper estate planning. You could also have a seat on the board reserved for your family/heirs. Control- The fact is when a S Corporation is formed the corporation has to do what is best for itself. A lot like an autonomous person, it must continue to look out for its own survival. Normally one person does not dictate the course of a Corporation, there are several in charge of this. Profit Retention- Since there is no one individual at the pinnacle the profits are distributed through out. If there is a board of directors, share holders, stock owners, all of these individuals are entitled to a portion of the profits. Location- The federal government does not create any corporations. This is done at the state level. For a corporation to go from one state to another they would have to file as a foreign corporation. This can get expensive and legally â€Å"sticky† when deal with different state laws and agencies. Couple this with the fact that states deal with S corporations wildly different, from treating them like the federal government to not recognizing them at all. Convenience/Burden- To incorporate a business is relatively easy, although the fee’s can add up. S corporations must avoid several pitfalls so as they are not taxed like C corp.’s. This and the fact that the accounting is so stringent, they may not have over 100 share holders that meet once a year, and the laws so wildly differ from state to state make the burden factor high indeed. Limited Liability Company- With the protection of a corporation and the flexibility of a Sole Proprietorship, the LLC has become extremely popular since it’s recent creation. However they are not a vehicle for taking a company public, capital can be difficult to raise because the members will have to guarantee the loans, and the members must take care not to intermingle funds. Liability- The LLC, like a corporation, is it’s own legal â€Å"being†. It provides an umbrella for it’s members to operate under and not fear liability claims against themselves personally. Income Tax- LLC’s are in the unique position of deciding how they want to be taxed on a yearly basis. Most of the time LLC’s can function like other forms of small business. The income will pass through to the members who will then pay at the individual level. It does however have the option of paying at the corporate level so as to lower the tax bracket. (This is because the highest individual tax rate is higher than the corporate tax rate.) Longevity- If a member of an LLC dies or retires action will be determined by the operating agreement. This could include a buy/sell clause for the heirs, a transfer of ownership, or whatever state law dictates. In most cases Control- The fact that an LLC could be run by just one person means that he /she could have just as much control as a sole proprietor. The catch is with the finance’s. The finance’s must be maintained â€Å" at arms length† to maintain the corporate veil of protection. So long as this is done, the majority member/owner of the LLC has complete control. Profit Retention- The profits generated by the business flow to the members. The amount is in direct correlation with the amount of ownership each member holds. Location- All 50 states allow LLC’s now but the law varies wildly. Some states still want an ad run in the paper when a business is formed and others require a single 1 page form. To move from state to state can be done but the local laws might be prohibitive. Convenience/Burden- The LLC doesn’t require anywhere near the amount of accounting as a corporation. The articles of organization needs to be filed to create it and then the operating agreement dictates how it’s run.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bondage and Discipline: The mystique behind BSDM Essay

Abstract Dating back to as far as 1969, Bondage and Discipline or BDSM is a form of sexual actions performed with abnormal dominance and submissions. An exotic sexual preference mostly involving role playing restraint, with the aid of foreign objects such as tassel tipped whips, paddles, gagging, etc. BDSM is derivative of Sadism and Masochism branch, only falling under separate concentration due to excessive and abnormal sexual tortures. Most sexual involvements require safe words; just incase the level of kink is surpassed and the recipient no longer feels a sense of sexual euphoria, and more of a urgency of danger. It is fairly normal for older couples to experiment BDSM, as well as mostly affecting the older population (40 and up). BDSM is affected by the population due to having much skeptical criticism amongst foreign communities. Keywords: BDSM, Sadism, Masochism, Kink The mystique behind Bondage and Discipline. Sweeping the nation in awkward fashion around the 1960’s, Bondage sex had apparently become the new â€Å"thing† or latest crave kids were partaking in. Bondage sex is a relative of the BDSM family, with the â€Å"B† standing for of course Bondage. Bondage and Discipline gives monotonous couples a little excitement in the bedroom. A most common reason behind bondage is so that both couples may gain pleasure from the restraint position in which one or the other may dwell in, while the pursuer engages in the thought of full dominance over the participant. People who take interest in this are known as Sadomasochistic. While some sadomasochistic people take pleasure in the sexual thrill of bondage sex, others benefit from the visual just as much. While this may be strange, but still done to this day, this may trigger  several questions toward mass society: 1) Why do people perform bondage sex? 2) Is it safe? 3) What sexual thrill do its occupants receive? 4) Is it actually helping keep relationships strong? Understanding that the usage of this may be limited due to the age of its occupants, it is safe to say that most children are not entertaining the idea of having Bondage and Discipline sex with their peers, nor will they be pursuing it anytime soon. Of course, we live in a world of curiosity, so it is not safe to count the younger generation out. However, sexual activity via teenagers is at an all time high, and easy access to porn sites makes it easier for little old Tommy or Susie to stumble upon the idea. Why do people perform bondage sex? Many couples incorporate Bondage sex into their lives, only to find it is sort of relationship steroid or adrenaline shot. Ever play fought with your mate before enticing them in a sexual comfort zone? Or teasing them toward the brink of hormonal eruption, whereas he or she is immensely aroused and will not stop at nothing to pursue a pleasant sexual endeavor? If so, then you have no need for this act. Bondage sex is usually incorporated into bland relationships lacking sexual drive. BDSM can either implement a spark or an explosion in sexual climax if used correctly. Bondage discipline strengthens the trust of both partners because the activity pushes the limits of each partner, bringing them beyond their typical comfort zone. The exotic mixture of fear and pleasure forms a potent concoction of euphoria. This fusion also forces both cohorts to instill a mammoth like trust in one another. It also helps the two (unlimited) in knowing each other better both mentally and physically. Und erstanding that with each slap, spank, lip-biting gesture could be a signal or pleasure or pain raises the enigma of how well you really know your significant other, being that one mistake or missed warning sign could be their last. Is it safe? Of course Bondage sex is not safe, that is what causes the sexual thrill of the activity. BDSM IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. Some couples will not be willing to journey out unto unfamiliar territory. Then again, we are humans, we are  known for being risk takers. Since the dawn of time humankind has risked everything into journeying into the unknown. For instance, in 1969 in attempts in beating the Soviets in the venturous Space Race, an audacious country (USA) sent three brave men, (Neil Armstrong, Edwin â€Å"Buzz† Aldrin, and Michael Collins were sent to the moon. Not only were they sent in attempts to beat out the Soviets, but to explore the unknown. You see, not anything we carry out is out of harm’s way. We dwell in times in which we may all perish by missiles, be engulfed in the rage of war, and drowned due to our lack of concern of the ozone layer and constant ignorance of quickly deteriorating polar caps. With that being said, if we were to place the two on an imagina ry Libra Scale, it is evident that bondage sex would be on the higher end. Also, another reason in why Bondage sex can be safer than what media portrays it to be, would be due to objects being used. Many adult toy companies are devising toys that with stringent safety precautions, as well as rising the age of the consumers to buy their product to 21 and up. There was a time when sex toys were a taboo, yet gradually, due to today’s generation, sex toys have become more blatant and commonly shown on late night commercials. This caused adult toy companies to take a step for the better. By creating smarter, innovative sex toys, scientist have derived adult toys the aid sexually and implemented devices that contribute toward the health of its users, such as therapeutic benefits for both men and women. For example, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and abridged penile consciousness and women who partake in the usage of vibrators also stimulate vaginal blood flow. These enhancements also strengthen orgasms and the release of superior good-feeling hor mones. Due to the step-up in sexual toys, these altercations have made it safer for its users as well as implementing the devices for various uses. (Ashton, Devon G. â€Å"The Key Archives/BDSM Mystique 2010) Also, buzzing through the BDSM community is the term SSC. This stands for safe, sane, and consensual. Safe: this term is used to ensure that both users enacting in bondage activities should place health and safety at their highest priority. This reduces mistakes and problems; however there will  always be typical casualties amongst inexperienced users. Sane: client must partake in their right frame of mind when enacting in BDSM related activities.(Fredder, James. â€Å"Dr. Drew On Call.† BDSMreviews, 12 Sept. 2009) Noted, that these actions should not be undergone while under the influence of alcohol or drugs of any kind, for even if they enhance the experience, they also pall the users vision of clarity. Finally Consensual: All activities should have 100% consent from both parties. Consent from both partners allows actions that are made to be swift, and hoist trust between both. Also to keep in mind, even if consent from each party is of maximum percentage, legal consent may not create a difference between criminalist behaviors, and may fall liable upon any injury caused. Ultimately there is no such thing as being safe enough. Injury can occur at anytime, and it is up to both partners if BDSM activities are fit for them. No matter the activity, you can enhance you and your partner’s safety by properly following SSC, as well as possessing a mutual respect for each others body and responsibility. What sexual thrill do its occupants receive? In most cases, BDSM activities are done based on thrill. But before we go into detail the reader most know the roper definition of thrill. As defined by, thrill is a sudden feeling of excitement or pleasure, (of an emotion or sensation) pass with nervous tremor. Also you should be informed on the term sexual thrill. As defined by, sexual thrill is chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. Now there are three types of thrills in which a Sadomasochistic person may partake in: 1) Visual thrill: Upon gaining sensation in visualizing others in BDSM activities. 2) Physical thrill: The intense sensation in partaking in BDSM activities. 3) Olfactory thrill: The urge of smelling someone held captive in BDSM activities. Depending of the user, each thrill initiates their endorphins in an unbridled frenzy. Visual thrill users usually do not get to intense with BDSM activities. Although the relish seeing oth ers in BDSM activities, they themselves may not want to engage in such activities, and usually their addiction can be controlled with the simple click of a mouse. Although others, such as Cuckold Visual Thrillers, usually pay other people to partake in BDSM related activates with their spouse and watch. Physical  thrill users are your typical run of the mill porno visualization guys and gals. These usually are the people that pop up in you head when you the Bondage and Discipline related activities. Depending on preference, these people usually dress in leather and gag their partners. Their acts usually involve handcuffed role play as well as external and internal mutilation. Being that they dress for the role and that they use a heavy amount of foreign objects, Physical thrill users usually construct a safe word. A safe word is usually a simple word used for when BDSM activities have placed one of the occupants in unfamiliar or painful territory; this causes the oppressor in ceasing in what they were doing and if necessary, to discontinue the session. The weirdest of them all, Olfactory thrillers, take a sexual thrill in smelling someone held captive in BDSM related activities. Usually, since BDSM clients wear leather for what ever purposes, the smell of leather, fear, and sex triggers OFT pleasant receptors, this gives them a feeling of elevated sexual sensation. Within the BDSM community, 78% say that OFT receives a stronger sexual sensation, and cause enormous orgasms. Bondage Discipline Submission Masochism based scientist have credited this theory. Lionel B. Wilkes, led researcher and developer in BDSM related activities states, â€Å"Olfactory thrill users tend to engage in an earlier and longer lasting sexual high due to the aroma compromising a supplementary and immediate itinerary toward cerebral brain receptors, which cause immense affect toward Dopamine receptors.† This simply means that because the occupant smells BDSM activities, the chances of the smell entering the nose and accessing the brain’s pleasant receptors and causing a sexual high, are extremely exponential. Noting that each thrill has its perks, it is not uncommon for some people to encompass a fixation of all three, these users are universal thrill seekers. This usually occurs in seasoned BDSM patients who have experienced a certain form of thrill so many times that the thrill became less appealing. To awaken their desire for BDSM activities, they partook in oth er thrills. It’s sort of like eating bland pizza for a while, and then you decide to add some hot sauce to it; this is how Universal users operate. Doing anything they can to maintain the feeling of euphoric sensation; even after the brain has developed a callus for it. Is it actually helping keep relationships strong? There are many reasons why Bondage and Discipline is used. Some people do it for the experience; just to they did it, while others do it for the peace the feel within themselves. Yet most of the time, couples do to intensify relationships. Understanding that 56% of the population partaking in BDSM related events are place in the 40 year old plus percentile, it evident that couples are using it to spice things up. After being married to some one for 20+ years, in bed experience may be lacking; most men around that age suffer from erectile dysfunction, which places a hassle on fulfilling their significant others sexual needs. Women around the ages 44-45 usually undergo painful menstruation cycles, thus declining the urge of sexual desire. By implementing Bondage activities in a slowly decomposing relationship ushers life. You reach heights in which you have never journeyed; you learn more about your significant other than ever before. Recent studies have shown, most married couples know about 48% of their significant others. Wow! Being together with someone for 20 or more years and to know only 48%?! Bondage and Discipline activities instill a major amount of trust in a relationship. In performing these acts, it is vital that you and your partner know each others limits; and by limits, the smallest gesture can be vital! If you do not know your significant others facial expression when they are in pain or enjoying themselves, then it is about time you learn. Being that BDSM activities are extremely dangerous, you have to have major trust in your partner. In an article published by ABC titled â€Å"Love hurts: Sadomasochism Danger.† ABC documents a 67 year old man who passed out and lost consciences in a sex club after participating in a BDSM scene. He lost consciousness while hanging his arms from a cross. The article explains that the damage was so severe; it took him a couple of days to recover. I believe this compliments my point, in which you should not partake in BDSM activities with anyone. (Lars, Hannah S. â€Å"Sex Toys – Combine Sexual Pleasure with Health Benefits.† Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo, July-Aug. 2008) Judy Kuriansky, a sex psychologist, says, â€Å"There is a triumvirate of guilt, embarrassment, and fear of intimacy for these people†¦ It’s rare that all of the sudden they can give up on being interested in pain and suddenly  capable of being loved.† I highly agree with Dr. Kuriansky, except for the phrase, â€Å"intimacy for these people†¦Ã¢â‚¬  As a result of information for they combat that the intimacy of Bondage and Discipline users should be sacred and held others of intimate meaning. Basically saying that these intimate acts should be held with intimate people; which prove my theory, which BDSM is just as safe as the users who partake in it. Essentially, a lot of harm can be avoided if you partake in it with someone you know. Psychosexual and relationship therapist Simone Bienne continued, â€Å"That’s certainly one thing that the BDSM community is very, very proud of — how they are able to communicate and thi s is essential how it spills out — the sexual relationship spills out into the emotional side of the relationship because you are able to manage conflict better because of strong communication.† (Laundry, Michelle. â€Å"32 Shocking Statistics of Relationship Insecurity.† McKinley Irvin. MCIB/Stats, Feb.-Mar. 2005. Web. 05 Apr. 2014.) All in all, Bondage Discipline is an extremely interesting and exotic way to rekindle a fading relationship, as well as arousing yourself. Although BDSM is pretty much for anyone, it should be for older people; by older I mean 21 and up. Of course I have no say in what people do behind closed doors, yet due to the information I have provided, and thanks to several credited websites, Bondage sex is very risky, and can also harm if placed in the hands of the young and inexperienced. Maybe it’s our desire to experience love in a different rendition, maybe it’s or innovative ways, or maybe, just maybe, it is our thirst to explore the unknown. References Ashton, Devon G. â€Å"The Key Archives/BDSM Mystique.† The Key RSS., May-June 2010. Web. 5 Apr. 2014. Fredder, James. â€Å"Dr. Drew On Call.† BDSMreviews, 12 Sept. 2009. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. Lars, Hannah S. â€Å"Sex Toys – Combine Sexual Pleasure with Health Benefits.† Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo, July-Aug. 2008. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. Laundry, Michelle. â€Å"32 Shocking Statistics of Relationship Insecurity.† McKinley Irvin. MCIB/Stats, Feb.-Mar. 2005. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. Michaelis, Viktoria. â€Å"Top 5 Benefits of Using Sex Toys – Viktoria Michaelis.† Viktoria Michaelis. PBS/top5benefit, 5 Nov. 2013. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. Perkins, Ronald. â€Å"What Is BDSM?† GoogleinfoBDSM, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.