Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Development of Pprogram for Non-Verbal Communication Skills Research Paper

Development of Pprogram for Non-Verbal Communication Skills - Research Paper Example Everything communicates, including material objects, physical space and time systems. Although verbal output can be turned off, non-verbal cannot. Even silence speaks. Non-verbal signals are powerful, instinctive, genuine and more honest. Social etiquette limits what can be said, but non-verbal cues can communicate thoughts. MODES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication has the following modes – Proxemics – Nearness or physical distance between speakers. Chronemics – Time systems. Oculesics – Eye contacts and reflection of mind through eyes. Haptics – Touch sensation Para-language – features of intonation, stress etc. Kinesics – gestures Silence Inaction Demonstration Environment NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH Words are accented and punctuated by body movements and gestures while the face shows a myriad of expressions. While communicating, non-verbal messages can interact with verbal messages in five ways – repeati ng, conflicting, complementing, substituting and moderating. It is important to be aware of the dominance of the non-verbal message. The validity and the reliability of verbal messages are checked by non-verbal actions. Verbal and non-verbal messages within the same interaction can sometimes send opposing or conflicting messages. A person verbally expressing a statement of truth while simultaneously fidgeting or avoiding eye-contact may convey a mixed message to the receiver in the interaction. Conflicting messages may occur for a variety of reasons often stemming from feelings of uncertainty or frustration. When mixed messages occur, non-verbal communication becomes the primary tool people use to attain additional information to clarify the situation. Great attention is placed on bodily movements when people perceive mixed message4s during interaction. This mode of communication increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between people. Non-verbal communication s kills pervade all areas of life like business, marketing, management, trade and education. It is natural. Instinctive and universal and can serve to bridge the communication gap in the global scenario. LITERATURE REVIEW There is abundant research on communication but cooperatively, much less attention has been given to non-verbal communication. Most of the studies in this field are carried out by doctors or medical practitioners. They are related to autistic children or mentally retarded children or children having special needs. Albert Mehrabian, an American psychologist, has studied the relative importance of verbal and non-verbal communication. He came to the conclusion that there are basically three elements in face-to-face communication – word, tone of voice and body language. According to Mehrabian, these three account differently for the meaning of the message. Words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 39% and body language for 55%. For meaningful and effective communication, these three elements need to support each other. While verbal communication is only 7%, non-verbal consists of 38 + 55= 93%. Hence, there is no doubt as to its importance. REVIEWS 1. The researcher conducted a study on schools children and concluded six ways of improving NVC skills, like miming, watching video clips and interpretation of gestures. (Vicki Ritts )

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