Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tv Violence :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is human nature to try to solve every problem that comes up. Humans just do not feel comfortable saying, â€Å"I don’t know,† so we work long hours searching and studying to find solutions to every problem that needs one. So when kids started torching cars, shooting students and teachers at school, smashing windows, assaulting bus drivers, and even decapitating each other, where did parents and law enforcement officers look? This is not an easy question with a definite answer, but after researchers studied hard, they found an answer: television. Could that little box that places images on the screen really affect the behavior of people so drastically? People now blame television for everything. Irresponsible parents who do not spend enough time with their kids and law enforcement officers who do not want to investigate to find a real cause to a problem are quick to blame television when their kids do something wrong. Instead of taking responsibili ty for their own kids, these parents lobby for restrictions to be placed on television and ruin things for everyone else. I see two problems with that. First, it is constitutionally wrong for someone to try to limit someone else’s free speech. The constitution does not specifically mention television, but it does not mention any other form of communication so it is assumed that television is included. Secondly, it does not make a lot of sense for a few angry people to try to control what everybody watches. I love to watch television, and I would be very angry if I could not watch what I wanted because it contained too much violence or if the producers of one of my favorite shows changed it to decrease the amount of violence in it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It seems like everyone has his or her own opinion on this subject. The two most obvious are that people think television violence is bad and something should be done about it or they think violence on television does not affect people’s behavior and nothing should be done. Jeffrey Klein, the author of the article â€Å"Fire Fighting Little,† believes television is causing problems everywhere in the world. In his article, he examines the causes of the rise in juvenile violence, not only in America, but worldwide. He tries to find the answer to the question, â€Å"Why is juvenile crime erupting worldwide at a time when adult crime is diminishing and there is much less violence among nations?

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